Antony and Gabriel: a Chronicle of the Infinite Cube

Antony and Gabriel: a Chronicle of the Infinite Cube

London, July, 2007
Antony, always curious
appreciative of
Young artists, sees
Gabe’s “Desolation Row Revisited”
“Play that again! Remarkable!

Chicago, November, 2010
Early evening
Dark, cold, windy
Northerly Island
I drive Antony and Gabe
to the bike path there
Light jackets, no hats
They hurry to the center of the lawn
“And this is where your
Iron man should go,
So when the sun rises,
he’ll be coming
out of the Lake
through the trees
and out to the lawn.”
“Yes! Yes!”

Gabe thinks about
cubes – how they
encompass, letting in
light, lawn, skies,
and protect, he thinks
later, from the vortex –
the swirling unknown
“Or is that grandiosity?”
he asks, slyly

Antony thinks about
Gabe’s plan – the Infinite Cube
and tells us, “Yes! I can create that!”

Inside the Infinite Cube
the parallel lines curve
perhaps to meet
The circle may be squared
as pi travels on to Infinity
Where lines meet
and cross into an
Infinite future
Where there are no longer
accusing voices
Where one’s mind and soul
can be free.

– Janice Misurell-Mitchell, January 28 – February 10, 2015